Monday, August 30, 2010

Recycling Rejected

The trucks had already come to pick up recyclables, but they didn't take one of my neighbor's loads:

Broken Rule #1: According to the guidelines, lids must be closed.
Which let the driver discover Broken Rule #2: Sticks and leaves aren't wanted at the recycling center.

They would have gotten away with breaking #2 is they had only followed #1.
Just like driving drunk--if you respect the speed limit and use your signals and drive in a straight line (except on curves), you'll probably sleep at home instead of jail.

Saturday, August 21, 2010

Spelling Disa(s)ter

Recent reciept from Northern Tools--we needed a new wheel for the handtruck.

Makes me wonder how they got screwed during some previous crisis to have to enact a specific policy re: pumps and saws and gens.

Monday, August 02, 2010

Call-Girl Barbie

I'm afraid that Mattel hasn't gotten the word that the USA is full of change up to our ears.
(Okay, the change only reaches our knees--let's be honest).
From the Barbie Basics™ line, the only black doll is also the only one with her tits hanging out.
At least she looks stylish in her basic attire.
You need a lot of expensive accessories to portray Streetwalker Barbie, although business must be bad because she's on clearance.
