Tuesday, September 01, 2009


Improv is generally understood as being short for Improvisation but surely the notion that you Improve upon the original is implied?

The table was right where I needed the monitor speaker to be, and moving the table to make room for a big tripod wasn't allowed.
So I improvised a solution: pole out of tripod and into umbrella hole, speaker mounted on pole, situation improved.
The offending table lost none of it's function, yet we could hear the vocals from the direction needed. In fact, having the option of umbrella outside/speaker indoors obviously improves the table's utility and value.

I wasn't the only person who took photos or video.

1 comment:

KenKzak said...

Clever, clever.
Gives me ideas for home stereo use.
Same stand in the umbrella hole, a tee bracket on top, with a couple weathersafe bookshelf speakers on top. Then I can enjoy true personal sterophonic sound out on the patio.